Thank you for giving.

We couldn't do it without you.

Why We Give

We exist to show people who Jesus is and our giving is one way to do that. Every single penny given goes directly to our mission. Weekly, people are discovering their passions, finding hope, and building their faith in small groups. We are also preparing to relaunch one of our most successful programs that helps people to find freedom from life’s hurts and habits through Celebrate Recovery. Our Care Ministry partners with countless families providing meals and counseling. Hundreds of juvenile inmates are experiencing the radical grace of God through our Christmas gifts and we are looking to grow in our ability to impact their lives for Jesus. These are just a few examples of how we are partnering with people. We are not interested in talking about showing people who Jesus is, we are committed to living it out.

Give Anytime, Anywhere

Here are some easy ways to support our church.

Give Online

Cash / Check

To give by check or cash, drop it off at the church

Give by Mail

6607 Providence Dr  
Anderson, IN 46013

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A steward is someone who is entrusted to manage the affairs and estate of another. God has given us more than 2,350 verses in the Bible instructing us on how to be good stewards of what he has placed in our care. Two-thirds of the parables that Jesus taught are about money, possessions, and stewardship. Stewardship is the second most discussed topic in the Bible!

We aim to help you to better serve the Lord in the area of finances. We would love to meet with you and discuss ways that we can assist you with debt, budgeting, giving, and estate planning. To schedule a meeting, you can call us at 765-400-5227.

We commit to maintaining the highest standards of financial integrity through internal controls and a yearly outside audit conducted by an outside accounting firm. Freedom House is also accredited by the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability), which requires high standards of biblical accountability, board governance, financial transparency, integrity in fund raising, and proper use of charity resources.

Tithing is one of the ways we worship God because it shows Him that we trust His provision in our lives. The word “tithe” means ten percent and is the portion of our income that we return to the Lord to say thank you for all He has given us. God doesn’t need our money but He wants our trust. Trusting Him with our finances is one of the most fulfilling and transformative things we do in our walk with Jesus. The Lord can do more with 90% than we could ever do on our own with 100%.

The Freedom House General Fund is what fuels everything you’ve come to know and love about Freedom House -- from Sunday Gatherings to FH Kids & Students to Small Groups to our community partnerships. This fund is also what keeps the place running by covering our operational expenses and infrastructure; it’s how we pay the bills. A strong General Fund allows us to actively pursue our mission of leading more people into a transforming relationship with Jesus. When you give to the General Fund, you are actually giving to all of the ministries of Freedom House.

Yes, we have a budget! We strongly believe that having a plan is crucial to financial responsibility and the wise stewardship of resources. Our budget is created annually through a collaborative process by the staff based on ministry goals and the costs of those goals. These goals and costs are submitted to the Executive Leadership Team where a first round of feedback is given. Once any adjustments have been made, the budget is submitted to the Treasurer and the Elder Board for further feedback and, ultimately, final approval. The budget is then presented to the congregation and voted on during the annual meeting in November.

Manage Your Giving

Manage your giving with ease at Freedom House — track your contributions, set up recurring donations, and support our mission to impact lives with a few simple clicks.

How can we help?

If you have more questions, please call during business hours at (765) 642-2000. We can help you navigate the process of giving through stocks, bonds, or other assets. 

As stewards of God’s resources, our elders and staff strive for financial integrity and transparency. If you would like to receive the monthly financial report, please contact us through the link below.